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in a few clicks

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Pocket tool
for changing the world

Humance is your powerful tool for making a global impact. Explore, support, and engage with unique projects across the planet, directly contributing to meaningful change.


like never before

Unlock complete visibility into project finances – from transactions and current balances to detailed spending breakdowns and receipts.


Real actions over words

Humance focuses on real-world impact, empowering local teams to drive change on the ground, ensuring your support makes a direct difference.


Project progress
across stages

Explore the journey of Humance projects through vital stages. Every project starts with fundraising, moves on to project implementation, and celebrates successful completions, marking tangible impact achieved by making the project a reality.



Kickstart projects on the fundraising stage by contributing and supporting fundraising efforts



The project team transforms their vision into a reality and creates a positive impact on the world



Celebrate the success of completed projects, knowing your support made a meaningful impact


Track your projects
through Humance

Experience the journey of your supported projects, following step-by-step progress in a unique storytelling format. Feel your impact with Humance


Build your
philanthropist portfolio

Build your unique philanthropist portfolio by selecting and supporting projects close to your heart. Curate a collection of projects, creating a legacy of impactful change.



How can I support projects on Humance?

Supporting projects on Humance is effortless! Explore unique projects on the Projects page, choose a cause that resonates with you, and directly support it to drive real change.

Can I track the progress of projects I support?

Absolutely! Humance provides almost real-time tracking for the projects you back. Follow their journey step-by-step, accessing unique content that showcases their progress.

Are my contributions secure and transparent?

Yes, transparency and security are paramount at Humance. Your contributions are securely managed, and our platform provides complete transparency, offering insights into fund utilization for each project.

Is this tax deductible?

Humance is committed to transparency and impact. While we focus on driving positive change, tax deductibility varies by region and local regulations. We recommend consulting a tax professional for guidance on deductibility.

What happens if a project I support doesn't reach its fundraising goal?

In the event a project doesn't reach its funding target, contributions are either refunded or redirected to similar initiatives, ensuring your support always goes towards making a difference.

Can I engage with the teams behind the projects I support?

Absolutely! Humance fosters engagement. Engage with project teams through unique content, updates, and even direct communication channels to learn more about the impact you're enabling.